The Cicada By Yu Shinan (Tang Dynasty)

The Cicada

By Yu Shinan (Tang Dynasty)

The cicada sipped cool dew with its low hanging tentacles,

its sound loudly out of the lush phoenix trees.

Its voice will naturally reach further as it perches high,

rather than relying on the gusts of autumn wind blowing.




Creative background

This poem is probably written by Yu Shinan after he entered the Tang Dynasty from the Sui Dynasty and received the favor of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. The poet's life was extremely bumpy. He first served in Chen during the Southern Dynasty, and then the Sui Dynasty destroyed Chen. He went to Chang'an with his brother Yu Shiji. After Yu Wenhua killed Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Yu Shinan was kidnapped and taken to Liaocheng. From then on, he continued to assist Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and gradually rose to the rank of Gao Juxian. It can be seen that the poet has always adhered to the right path throughout his life, guarded himself in turbulent times, and finally met the wise Lord, achieving a good name. This poem is a reflection of the poet's diligence and diligence.

About Yu Shinan

Yu Shinan was a politician, calligrapher, writer and poet from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

I viewed the information on Yu Shinan, throughout his life, he is a great person, he has a lot of achievements in arts, poems, politics, he is worth to like and leave his name in history.

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