A Scene I saw While Residing at the Brook By Cui Daorong (Tang Dynasty)

A Scene I saw While Residing at the Brook

By Cui Daorong (Tang Dynasty)

I don't know whose small boat is not tied with a rope,

the spring breeze is blowing it slowly drifting into the fishing bend.

The child was overjoyed and thought it was a sudden arrival of guests.

He hurried to the firewood door and quickly opened the closed one.





Creative background

The vast majority of late Tang poets, especially those at the end of the Tang Dynasty, tend to have indifferent emotions and gradually shift their interest towards the popular culture of the market. Cui Daorong belongs to this category. During the Huangchao Uprising, Cui Daorong fled to the east and lived in seclusion at Xianyan Mountain in Wenzhou. This poem should have been written during this period, and it is a scene of water town customs that the poet witnessed while living in a village house by a small river in a water town. It is easy to come by.

About Cui Daorong

Cui Daorong is a poet in late Tang Dynasty, He was a small office as Remonstrator, later he entered Fujian to avoid war and chaos.

Cui ever composed a poem which speak out for the injustice of Xishi. He didn't seem to be fixated on his career path, maybe he was disappointed to the late Tang.

I have something to Say 

Recently I read the Modern Chinese History, Qing government is the same Political nature as Tang, but they are indeed different. The Tang Dynasty had true prosperity and prosperity in feudal society.

My son asked me, if the last Dynasty was not Qing but Tang, is it different? I thought over and said ”No”. The Tang Dynasty would not break free from the fate of destruction, which is a political fate and an inevitable law of the times.

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