Chang Gan Melody (1) and (2) By Cui Hao (Tang Dynasty)

Chang Gan Melody (1) and (2)

By Cui Hao (Tang Dynasty)

Where are you from, Sir?

I live around Heng Tang.

The reason why I stopped the boat to ask you

Perhaps we are from the same town.

My home is next to Jiujiang River,

I come and go on the edge of this River.

We both are from Chang Gan,

but we didn't know each other since childhood.








Creative background

"Chang Gan Qu/Melody" is the old title of "Ancient Ci of Zaqu" in the Yuefu of the Southern Dynasty.

About Cui Hao

Cuihao is a famous poet of Tang Dynasty, His poems are famous, but his deeds are rarely circulated.

I have something to say

This poem make me think of another Ci, it is created by Li Zhiyi in Song Dynasty,

我住长江头,君住长江尾。 日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。


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