Dawn in Spring By Meng Haoran (Tang Dynasty)

Dawn in Spring

By Meng Haoran (Tang Dynasty)

Sleeping well on the spring night so that it was already dawn before I knew it.

I only hear birds chirping everywhere when I wake up,

Last night there came sounds of wind blowing and rain

I think a lot of petals must have fallen.





Creative background

Meng Haoran lived in seclusion in Lumen Mountain in his early years, and later sought an official position in Chang'an. However, he failed the imperial examination and returned to his hometown. Spring Dawn "was written by him during his seclusion in Lumen Mountain.

I have something to say

Sometimes I envy the life of the ancients, where beautiful mountains and rivers can be seen everywhere. Although transportation is inconvenient, one can enjoy a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers by trekking through mountains and rivers. But perhaps what I envy is only those ancient people who have money, time, and culture. So if a person wants to be away vulgar, they must first be vulgar. We talk about money being vulgar, but without this vulgarity, we cannot nourish elegance. Ancient poets were prone to seclusion, as if they never worried about food, clothing, housing, and transportation, which was the biggest vulgarity.

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