Category: Dynasties

Wintersweet By Wang Anshi (Song Dynasty)

Snow and Wintersweet/Plum blossom are regulars in ancient Chinese literature, and when writing poetry in winter, Wintersweet is definitely one of the must-have themes. In China, Wintersweet is not Plum Blossom, they are different from each other, Wintersweet blossoms in Winter and the other blossoms in early Spring. So you will find it different between […]

How did ancient Chinese poets express the emotion by the snow? (2)

Today I’d like to introduce a poem from Lu You who lived in Song Dynasty called “The snow on New Year's Eve”. This poem is different from Luo Yin’s satirical “Snow”, it expressed the poet's joy and anticipation for the upcoming New Year, so it referred the “Rui Xue” is a real “auspicious snow”. The […]

How did ancient Chinese poets express the emotion by the snow? (1)

Chinese is a very beautiful and artistic language, many ancient poets created many beautiful and meaningful poems to express their love for nature, country and people etc. Any subject can be made into a poem. In winter, snow is one of the most popular themes. There is a poem from Luo Yin who lived in […]

A Scene I saw While Residing at the Brook By Cui Daorong (Tang Dynasty)

A Scene I saw While Residing at the Brook By Cui Daorong (Tang Dynasty) I don't know whose small boat is not tied with a rope, the spring breeze is blowing it slowly drifting into the fishing bend. The child was overjoyed and thought it was a sudden arrival of guests. He hurried to the […]

the Golden Thread Clothing By an Anonymous Poet (Tang Dynasty)

the Golden Thread Clothing By an Anonymous Poet (Tang Dynasty) I advise you not to cherish the golden thread clothing, I advise you must cherish the bloom of your youth. Just pick flowers when they're worth picking, Don't be waiting until the twigs are devoid of flowers to break. 金缕衣 (唐)无名氏 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君须惜少年时。 有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。 Creative background […]

Thoughts in a Quiet Night By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Thoughts in a Quiet Night By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) The bright moonlight shines on the window, I thought it was a layer of frost on the ground. Looking up to see the bright moon in the sky looking down to miss my distant hometown. 静夜思 (唐)李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Creative background Some scholars believe that […]

Xiao-changgan Song By Cui Guofu (Tang Dynasty)

Xiao-changgan Song By Cui Guofu (Tang Dynasty) Breeze is blowing from the lake in the dim light of the moon, The road twists as if it is impassable for people. the song of picking water chestnut is melodious and intermittently persistent, He knows that the beloved girl is in this pond. 小长干曲 (唐)崔国辅 月暗送湖风,相寻路不通。 菱歌唱不彻,知在此塘中。 […]

Dock the Boat by the Maple Bridge at Night By Zhang Ji (Tang Dynasty)

Dock the Boat by the Maple Bridge at Night By Zhang Ji (Tang Dynasty) Crows were crowing after the moon had set, and the cold was strong at night, the traveler who accompanied by maple trees and fishing fires slept with gloomy mood. The lonely and quiet Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou City, the sound of […]