Jequirity / A Poem to Li Guinian on the River By Wang Wei (Tang Dynasty)

Jequirity / A Poem to Li Guinian on the River

By  Wang Wei (Tang Dynasty)

Red beans grow on the land of South China,

many new branches are budded every spring

I wish you collect them as much as you can,

because they can express the emotion of our friendship.





Creative background

This poem is called "A poem to Li Guinian on the river"as a work of remembrance of friends. It is reported that Li Guinian once sang this poem when he was in Jiangnan during the Anshi Rebellion in the last year of Tianbao, which can prove that this poem was written during Tianbao.

Introduction of related words

  1. Jequirity: it’s ormosia beans, a plant that grows in the south of the Yangtze River and produces seeds that are slightly flat and bright red like peas.
  2. Li Guinian: He is a musician of the Tang Dynasty; it is praised as the "Saint of Music in the Tang Dynasty" by later generations.

I have something to say

Friendship is one of great emotions for mankind, we need this emotion, all lives need it.


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