Looking South from Bolin Temple By Lang Shiyuan (Tang Dynasty)

Looking South from Bolin Temple

By Lang Shiyuan (Tang Dynasty)

I heard the sound of the temple bell when I was still sailing on the stream,

I walked up along the path through thick pines after I moored my boat.

the green mountains washed fresh after the rain and the white clouds are lingering,

The peaks in the southwest are scattered and luxuriant as if just painted.





About Bolin Temple

Bolin Temple is a famous Buddhist temple in China, it’s located in the southeast corner of Zhaoxian County, Hebei Province (formerly called Zhaozhou), the Bolin Temple faces Zhaozhou Bridge from afar. It was first built during the reign of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty (196-220), and covers an area of 80 mu. It was called Guanyin Temple in ancient times, Yong'an Temple in the Southern Song Dynasty, and Bolin Temple in the Jin Dynasty. The current abbot is Monk Minghai, President of Hebei Buddhist Association.

Bolin Temple is also called Bailin Buddhist Temple by local residents.

About Lang Shiyuan

Lang Shiyuan is as famous as Qian Qi and is known as "Qian Lang". They were famous for their poems. At that time, there was a saying that "the former Shen Song, the later Qian Lang".(Shen Song refers to Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen, Qian Lang refers to Qianqi and Lang Shiyuan). He wrote many farewell poems, but the content was poor.

I have something to say

Farewell poems are most likely to resonate with readers, but they lack motivation, and most of them are empty, which is easy to fall into stereotypes.

It’s hard to write a great farewell poem, it’s hard to create a good poem. So the ancient poets are great, Their works are worthy of our appreciation and forever spread.

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