Eight Trigrams Array By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

Eight Trigrams Array By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty) His achievements are the most outstanding during the Three Kingdoms era, He was famed for having initiated the military strategy of Eight Trigrams Array. The Eight Trigrams Array still remain as before after six hundred years of river erosion, Liu Bei's attempt to conquer Kingdom of Wu […]

Sending off Minister Pei again to Jizhou By Liu Changqing (Tang Dynasty)

Sending off Minister Pei again to Jizhou By Liu Changqing (Tang Dynasty) The sound of apes was mournful and travelers dispersed at dusk by the river, I felt alone even sadder but the river is flowing as usual. We both are banished but you go even farther, Only the green mountains accmpany you along ten […]

Flute Heard in a Spring Night in Luoyang By Li Bai (Tang)

Flute Heard in a Spring Night in Luoyang By Li Bai (Tang) Where the faint sound of jade flutes is from, it Immersed in the spring breeze and floated throughout the ancient city of Luoyang. Hearing the Melody of 'Breaking off Willows' on a guest night, who can refrain a deep longing for their hometown? […]

The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) The most heartbreaking place where guests are seen off. the place that is the Laolao pavilion The spring breeze also knows the pain of parting, so it does not make willow turn green. 劳劳亭 李白(唐) 天下伤心处,劳劳送客亭。 春风知别苦,不遣柳条青。 Creative background The date of this poem is difficult to […]

Walking Alone along the River Bank to Look for Flowers (6) By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

Walking Alone along the River Bank to Look for Flowers (6) By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty) The blooming flowers of Lady Huang's house covered the footpath, thousands of flowers weighed their branches down to the path colorful butterflies amidst the fragrant flowers are constantly dancing, yellow warblers in leisuirly and free are singing and chirping. […]

Qiupu Song (15) By Libai (Tang Dynasty)

Qiupu Song (15) By Libai (Tang Dynasty) My white hair is as long as thirty thousand feet, it is because of my deep sorrows that it grows so long. If I were not in this bright mirror to look, I thought the autumn frost fell on my head. 秋浦歌(十五) 李白(唐) 白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。 不知明镜里,何处得秋霜! Creative background Qiupu, […]

Lotus-picking Melody (2) By Wang Changling (Tang Dynasty)

Lotus-picking Melody (2) By Wang Changling (Tang Dynasty) The lotus picking girl's skirt is as green as a lotus leaf, the lotus flowers flowing out of the water are blooming towards her face. It is difficult to recognize the mixed lotus face in the lotus pond with a blue lotus skirt, I realized that someone […]

Seeing Du the Fourteen off to Jiang Nan By Meng Haoran (Tang Dynasty)

Seeing Du the Fourteen off to Jiang Nan By Meng Haoran (Tang Dynasty) Jing and Wu is adjacent to water as its hometown, The time you go that’s the spring water was full and looked hazy. Where will your solitary boat dock at sunset? I feel my heart broken looking into the endless route. 送杜十四之江南 […]

Song of Ascending Youzhou Terrace By Chen Zi’ang (Tang Dynasty)

Song of Ascending Youzhou Terrace By Chen Zi’ang (Tang Dynasty) The sagacious rulers in history like King Yan Zhao are not be seen, but the virtuous man in future I also have no opportunity time to see them. At the thought of the endless world and vast universe, I couldn't help but feel desolate and […]