Qiupu Song (14) By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Qiupu Song (14)

By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The flaming fire shines through the sky,

Red sparks amid the purple smokes fly.

Smelters work while singing in the bright moon night,

their songs resound through the cold valley all night.





Creative background

Li Bai visited Qiupu three times in his life and left more than 70 masterpieces. These seventeen poems were written during the second trip to Qiupu in the 13th year of Tianbao (754 years) (also known as the 12th year of Tianbao, also known as the 14th year of Tianbao). At that time, Li Bai had left Chang'an for ten years because of slander. In the past ten years, Li Baiyun has traveled all over the world, making his home in all parts of the world; There was no lack of happy times, especially when he and Du Fu went to the Liang and Song Dynasties together to discuss wine and poetry. However, he was not in a good mood when he was in Qiupu. In the 12th year of Tianbao's reign (753 years), he once traveled to Youji in the north, and saw that Anlu Mountain was powerful, and the emperor had become a carbuncle. At this time, he just went to the south of the Yangtze River with a very sad and indignant mood.

Introduction of related words

  1. Qiupu Song: A total of 17 poems by Li Bai.
  2. Qiupu: It was a county under Chizhou Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty. It was named after Qiupu Water, which was one of the producing areas of silver and copper in the Tang Dynasty.

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