Tag: bai

Flute Heard in a Spring Night in Luoyang By Li Bai (Tang)

Flute Heard in a Spring Night in Luoyang By Li Bai (Tang) Where the faint sound of jade flutes is from, it Immersed in the spring breeze and floated throughout the ancient city of Luoyang. Hearing the Melody of 'Breaking off Willows' on a guest night, who can refrain a deep longing for their hometown? […]

The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) The most heartbreaking place where guests are seen off. the place that is the Laolao pavilion The spring breeze also knows the pain of parting, so it does not make willow turn green. 劳劳亭 李白(唐) 天下伤心处,劳劳送客亭。 春风知别苦,不遣柳条青。 Creative background The date of this poem is difficult to […]

Calling on a Taoist Lived Dai Tian Mount but in Vain By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Calling on a Taoist Lived Dai Tian Mount but in Vain By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) I heard the barking of dogs and the murmur of spring water as i entered the mountain, I saw the blooming peach blossom full of thick and colorful dew. Wild deer occasionally appear in the deep and secluded wood, […]

Looking South from Bolin Temple By Lang Shiyuan (Tang Dynasty)

Looking South from Bolin Temple By Lang Shiyuan (Tang Dynasty) I heard the sound of the temple bell when I was still sailing on the stream, I walked up along the path through thick pines after I moored my boat. the green mountains washed fresh after the rain and the white clouds are lingering, The […]

Parting at the Southern Riverside By Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty)

Parting at the Southern Riverside By Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty) At the southern riverside we’re plaintively parting, in the autumn the west wind is soughing. My heart is broken once you turn around to me, rest your heart to go and don't look back again. 南浦别 白居易(唐) 南浦凄凄别,西风袅袅秋。 一看肠一断,好去莫回头。 Introduction of related words southern riverside: […]

Qiupu Song (14) By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Qiupu Song (14) By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) The flaming fire shines through the sky, Red sparks amid the purple smokes fly. Smelters work while singing in the bright moon night, their songs resound through the cold valley all night. 秋浦歌(十四) 李白(唐) 炉火照天地,红星乱紫烟。 赧郎明月夜,歌曲动寒川。 Creative background Li Bai visited Qiupu three times in his life […]

Thank Bai Juyi for His Poem He Gave Me at the Banquet in Yangzhou We First Met

Thank Bai Juyi for His Poem He Gave Me at the Banquet in Yangzhou We First Met By Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty) Ba Mountains and Chu Rivers are places desolate and dreary, I was deserted there for twenty-three years. I miss my old friends and recite the flute smelling ode in vain, I feel that […]

Peach blossoming in Dalin Temple By Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty)

Peach blossoming in Dalin Temple By Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty) Fragrance of flowers have withered in April in the terrestrial world, The peach blossoming in Dalin temple has just begun in full bloom. I often regret there is no place to look for spring having passed away, but didn't expect it had turn up to […]