Tag: li


ON MEETING LI GUINIAN DOWN THE RIVER By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty) We often meet at the residence of Prince Qi, I heard your music many times in the Cui's hall. Now it is the great scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, I meet you again before the flowers are fading. 江南逢李龟年 杜甫(唐) […]

Flute Heard in a Spring Night in Luoyang By Li Bai (Tang)

Flute Heard in a Spring Night in Luoyang By Li Bai (Tang) Where the faint sound of jade flutes is from, it Immersed in the spring breeze and floated throughout the ancient city of Luoyang. Hearing the Melody of 'Breaking off Willows' on a guest night, who can refrain a deep longing for their hometown? […]

The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) The most heartbreaking place where guests are seen off. the place that is the Laolao pavilion The spring breeze also knows the pain of parting, so it does not make willow turn green. 劳劳亭 李白(唐) 天下伤心处,劳劳送客亭。 春风知别苦,不遣柳条青。 Creative background The date of this poem is difficult to […]

Jequirity / A Poem to Li Guinian on the River By Wang Wei (Tang Dynasty)

Jequirity / A Poem to Li Guinian on the River By  Wang Wei (Tang Dynasty) Red beans grow on the land of South China, many new branches are budded every spring I wish you collect them as much as you can, because they can express the emotion of our friendship. 相思 王维(唐) 红豆生南国,春来发几枝? 愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 Creative […]

Calling on a Taoist Lived Dai Tian Mount but in Vain By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Calling on a Taoist Lived Dai Tian Mount but in Vain By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) I heard the barking of dogs and the murmur of spring water as i entered the mountain, I saw the blooming peach blossom full of thick and colorful dew. Wild deer occasionally appear in the deep and secluded wood, […]

Melody on Diversion of Water for Irrigation By Li Qunyu (Tang Dynasty)

Melody on Diversion of Water for Irrigation By Li Qunyu (Tang Dynasty) Bamboo tube which the rippling autumn water flows through is like a chain of cold jade, the water mist slowly diffused like endless wisps of clear smoke in the hole. the quiet undercurrent is making a faint noise in this stretch of more […]

Qiupu Song (14) By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Qiupu Song (14) By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty) The flaming fire shines through the sky, Red sparks amid the purple smokes fly. Smelters work while singing in the bright moon night, their songs resound through the cold valley all night. 秋浦歌(十四) 李白(唐) 炉火照天地,红星乱紫烟。 赧郎明月夜,歌曲动寒川。 Creative background Li Bai visited Qiupu three times in his life […]