Tag: tang

Spring Boudoir Thoughts By Zhang Zhongsu (Tang Dynasty)

Spring Boudoir Thoughts By Zhang Zhongsu (Tang Dynasty) The city wall is surrounded by dropping fine willows, the path is surrounded by verdant mulberry trees. She forgot to pick leaves while carrying the basket, It turned out that she dreamed of Yuyang again last night. 春闺思 张仲素(唐) 袅袅城边柳,青青陌上桑。 提笼忘采叶,昨夜梦渔阳。 Creative background The frequent border wars […]

Mice in the government granaries By Cao Ye (Tang Dynasty)

Mice in the government granaries By Cao Ye (Tang Dynasty) The rats in the government granary are as fat as a rice measuring bucket, they don't escape when they see people opening the granary. The soldiers guarding the border have no food and the hardworking people are starving, who feed the food in the official […]

Watch a Musical Performance On the 5th Dragon Boat Festival By Wan Chu (Tang Dynasty)

Watch a Musical Performance On the 5th Dragon Boat Festival By Wan Chu (Tang Dynasty) She seems to be Xi Shi, a beautiful woman who is washing yarn in Yuexi, also like beauty Bi Yu comparable to the beauty Lihua Yin. The dark green eyebrows make the hemlock look pale, The fiery skirts make the […]