Tag: tang

A Poem for someone I like By Zhang Bi (Tang Dynasty)

A Poem for someone I like By Zhang Bi (Tang Dynasty) I often dreamt of coming to Xie's house, the zigzag low corridor was winding as before. Only the Moon is the most affectionate, it shines the fallen petals for the leaving person. 寄人 张泌(唐) 别梦依依到谢家, 小廊回合曲阑斜。 多情只有春庭月, 犹为离人照落花。 Creative background The Poet Zhang Bi […]

Sending clothes to My Husband By Chen Yulan (Tang Dynasty)

Sending clothes to My Husband By Chen Yulan (Tang Dynasty) 寄夫 陈玉兰(唐) 夫戍边关妾在吴, 西风吹妾妾忧夫。 一行书信千行泪, 寒到君边衣到无? Creative background This poem describes the care and miss of the wife to her husband when her husband's expedition About Chen Yulan Chen Yulan is a female poet in the Tang Dynasty, She is the wife of poet Wang […]

Huaiyin Melody (Fourth) By Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty)

Huaiyin Melody (Fourth) By Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty) What makes me admire most? the swallow on the stern of my husband's boat. It took mud to the mast to build a nest, spent the time with him whenever meal or overnight. 淮阴行五首其四 刘禹锡(唐) 何物令侬羡, 羡郎船尾燕。 衔泥趁樯竿, 宿食长相见。 Creative background This series of poems is regarded […]

Play and Enjoy the Moon in the Mountains on Spring Night By Yu Liangshi (Tang Dynasty)

Play and Enjoy the Moon in the Mountains on Spring Night By Yu Liangshi (Tang Dynasty) The beautiful scenery of mountain in spring is so much, that I enjoyed playing and forgot to return all night. The moon shines in my hands when I scooped spring water with my hands, the fragrance permeated my clothes […]

The Prime of Shu By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

The Prime of Shu By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty) Where is the famous premier’s temple to be found? Outside the City of Jinguan with cypresses around. In vain before the steps spring grass grows green and long, And amid the leaves golden orioles sing their song. Thrice the king visited him for the State’s gains and pains; He served heart and soul the kingdom during two reigns. But he died before he accomplished his career. How could heroes not wet their sleeves with tear on tear! 蜀相 杜甫(唐) 丞相祠堂何处寻,锦官城外柏森森。 映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。 三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。 […]

the Wandering Oriole By Li Shangyin (Tang Dynasty)

the Wandering Oriole By Li Shangyin (Tang Dynasty) The wandering oriole is flitting from place to place unevenly in manner, It flies over the fields by the river incapable of controlling its own destiny. Isn't it without its true intention to sing so sadly ? Spring is not necessarily a good time to look forward […]

Quatrains 3 By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

Quatrains 3 By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty) Two Orioles were chirping among the green willow branches, a row of egrets were flying towards the blue sky. The scenery of Xiling Snow Mountain seems to be embedded in the window, the ships sailing between Dongwu are parked by the door. 绝句3 唐·杜甫 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, 一行白鹭上青天。 窗含西岭千秋雪, 门泊东吴万里船。 […]

Some Thoughts and Feelings Well Up in Mind By Zhang Jiuling (Tang Dynasty)

Some Thoughts and Feelings Well Up in Mind By Zhang Jiuling (Tang Dynasty) Orchid leaves in spring are luxuriant, Osmanthus flowers in autumn are bright. Each thrives in its most suitable season; Both flourish to reveal their vitality of life. Hermits living in the forest know their beauty, Showing admiration for them in smile. Trees […]

Some Feelings Well up in Mind While Travelling at Night By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

Some Feelings Well up in Mind While Travelling at Night By Du Fu (Tang Dynasty) The breeze blew the fine grass on the Bank of the river, And the small boat with high mast moored lonely on the moon night. The stars hang down to the vast open plains, and the bright moon shines on […]