Tag: tang

Two poems of Compassionate on peasants By Li Shen (Tang Dynasty)

Two poems of Compassionate on peasants By Li Shen (Tang Dynasty)  (1) A seed is sown into the field in Spring. Thousands of grains are harvested in Autumn. There is no idle farmland in the whole country, But there are still peasants starving to death 悯农其一 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。 四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。 (2) Peasants are hoeing the fields under […]

Ascending The Stork Tower By Wang Zhihuan (Tang Dynasty)

Ascending The Stork Tower By Wang Zhihuan (Tang Dynasty) Setting sun sanks along the mountain, The yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to enjoy a grander sight, Please climb to a greater height. 登鹳雀楼 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 Creative background of Ascending The Stork Tower This poem is one of the only six quatrains […]

Two Poems Written Casually after Returning Home By He Zhizhang (Tang Dynasty)

Two Poems Written Casually after Returning Home By He Zhizhang (Tang Dynasty) (1) I left my home young and didn't come back until I was old Although my accent hasn't changed, the hair on my temples is gray. none of children knew me in my hometown When they saw me, then smiled and asked me […]