The Laolao Pavilion By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The Laolao Pavilion

By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The most heartbreaking place where guests are seen off.

the place that is the Laolao pavilion

The spring breeze also knows the pain of parting,

so it does not make willow turn green.





Creative background

The date of this poem is difficult to determine, and it seems to have been written by Li Bai during his visit to Jinling during the eighth year of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao reign (749).  When Li Bai wrote this poem, the spring breeze had just arrived and the willows were not yet green. It should be early spring.

Introduction of related words

  1. The Laolao Pavilion: It is located in the southwest of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province today. It is a famous historical site built during the Eastern Wu period of the Three Kingdoms period. Since ancient times, it has been a place for pedestrians to separate and send each other off. Throughout history, literati and poets have also written and composed poems on it, with Li Bai, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, being the most famous for his poem "The Laolao Pavilion".

I have something to say

Everyone cannot escape the joys and sorrows of the world. We should view life as free and happy. Facing parting, if it is unavoidable, one should accept it with a smile, face it calmly, and look forward to reuniting.

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