The South Garden (1) By Li He (Tang Dynasty)

The South Garden (1)

By Li He (Tang Dynasty)

Flowers are in full bloom on the branches and grass vines in front of my eyes,

they are big to small and white to red just like a beautiful woman's cheeks.

It’s a pity that the beautiful and fragrant petals have fallen at dusk,

they married to the spring breeze even without go-betweens.







Creative background

Li He's group of poems "Thirteen poems in The South Garden " is a group of miscellaneous poems written by the author when he was living in The South Garden, his hometown, after he resigned and returned to changgu, Fuchang. The creation time was between the 8th year (813) and the 11th year (816) of the reign of emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty.

Introduction of related words

  1. The South Garden: in Changgu Township, Fuchang county (now Yiyang County, Henan Province)

About Li He

The romantic poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, together with the poetic Immortals Li Bai and Li Shangyin, was called "three li of the Tang Dynasty", and later generations were called lichanggu.

Li He is another famous romantic poet in the history of Chinese literature after Qu Yuan and Li Bai,

As a representative of the transformation of poetic style from the middle Tang Dynasty to the late Tang Dynasty, he was called Poetic ghost and works “Chang Gu Collection”.

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