The South Garden (6) By Li He (Tang Dynasty)

The South Garden (6)

By Li He (Tang Dynasty)

I learn lots of books and working hard but achieve a little,

The curved crescent is reflected on the curtain like a jade bow.

Warriors' talents are given chances to display due to year after year mutinous wars,

What's the use of this kind of "lament autumn" poem!





I have something to say!

Li He is a romantic poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, later known as Li Changgu.

He is another famous romantic poet in the history of Chinese literature after Qu Yuan and Li Bai.

As we known, Li He is a talent in poem, but I don’t like him because of this poem.

Everyone thinks they are excellent, they regard themselves as God, especially the poet. In fact, if let them access to the power and have some politic right, did they really change everything?

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