Thoughts in a Quiet Night By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Thoughts in a Quiet Night

By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

The bright moonlight shines on the window,

I thought it was a layer of frost on the ground.

Looking up to see the bright moon in the sky

looking down to miss my distant hometown.





Creative background

Some scholars believe that this poem was written by Li Bai during his illness in Yangzhou, when he was 26 years old. It was on an autumn night, with clear moonlight and sparse stars, and the author's homesickness arose naturally. Therefore, he wrote this poem.

I have something to say

<Thoughts in Quiet Night> has been passed down for thousands of years and is well-known both domestically and internationally.

For most Chinese kids, we have been reciting many classical poems since childhood and feel the great of the language.

I ever thought of this poem when I was in college, this poem must have a deep memory in every traveler’s head.

You can trust Chinese poems forever.


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