To Wang Lun By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

To Wang Lun

By Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

Li Bai was about to depart for a long journey by boat

he suddenly heard the sound of stepping on the shore.

Even if the Taohuatan water is as deep as a thousand feet,

it cannot compare to Wang Lun ‘s friendship to me.





Introduction of related words

1, Wang Lun: Li Bai’s good friend. He served as the magistrate of Jing County during the reign of Kaiyuan Tang Dynasty.

2. the Taohuatan: it is a historical attraction located in the upper reaches of the Qingyi River, a tributary of the Yangtze River. Located 40 kilometers west of Jing County, Anhui Province, between Zhai and Wan'er villages in Taohuatan Town.

Creative background

This poem was written in the 13th or 14th year of the Tianbao reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty (754 AD), when Li Bai traveled from Qiupu to Jing County (now part of Anhui). This poem may have been written by Li Bai during Wang Lun's leisurely residence in Taohuatan town.

I have something to say

Since ancient times, friendship has been a bridge that bridges the relationship between people. Although friendship does not distinguish between high and low, "birds of a feather flock together, people of a feather flock together", so the meaning displayed by friendship varies among different classes. Some people believe in fame and fortune, while others believe in true friendship.

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