Why do we need to learn Chinese?

Why do we need to learn Chinese?

Why do we need to learn Chinese? This is a question that suddenly jumps into my mind, it needs my improvisation answer.

Every Chinese person can speak Chinese, we listen to Chinese words when we were born and we started to speak from our one old year, it’s all Chinese words. We tried to listen what others said and what’s meaning of these words, then we ensured what we should do and said what we want to do. In childhood, we always tried to speak and understand Chinese, why? Because it’s our Mother Language, we learn Chinese in order to understand our culture and deal with language cases. We learn Chinese to pass every Chinese exam, even more other subjects exams. It’s important to learn Chinese well.

Why many foreigners like to learn Chinese?

This is a second sudden question in my mind. I saw many jobs about teaching foreigner’s Chinese, it’s not funny but surprised.

Chinese is an important language in the world, we have a largest population, Chinese people spread all over the world, so people influence each other, just like we learn English to understand the world, so do foreigners.

I always think Chinese is very hard to learn, so people who can learn new language especially learn Chinese are very great. Everything you learned maybe useful, language is absolutely worth to try.

To teach Chinese or to teach English is a good way to earn and learn.

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